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Let's get to know the chestnut and its benefits

Let's get to know the chestnut and its benefits

Here the queen is the chestnut, a very tasty autumn fruit.

It can be consumed raw, cooked, roasted, in soups, cakes, desserts and also as an accompaniment to meat dishes.

They have a very rich nutritional value, with essential nutrients for the body, such as carbohydrates that favor the intestinal flora, fibers that help regulate blood cholesterol levels, they are gluten-free, allowing them to be consumed by celiacs. They are fat free, antioxidants and very rich in minerals, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, potassium, selenium and copper.

They are also rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium and folic acid.

Since chestnuts are a very satisfying fruit, we can replace potatoes, rice or pasta with chestnuts. You will make a very healthy and satisfying snack with half a dozen chestnuts, whether boiled or roasted. You will have a much tastier and more nutritious soup if you replace the potato with chestnut.

As for the nutritional value of this ancient food, we have as a base 10 roasted chestnuts (+ or - 85 gr.):

% RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance)

| Energy kcal                              | 206 Kcal | 10%  |
| Lipids (gr.)                             | 2,0      | 3%   |
|     of which saturated fatty acids (gr.) | 0,3      | 2%   |
| Carbohydrates (gr.)                      | 44,5     | 15%  |
|     of which sugars (gr.)                | 8,9      | ---- |
| Fiber (gr.)                              | 4,3      | 17%  |
| Proteins (gr.)                           | 2,7      | 5%   |
| Salt (gr.)                               | 0,004    | 0%   |
| Vitamin C (mg.)                          | 21,8     | 36%  |
| Vitamin B6 (mg.)                         | 0,4      | 21%  |
| Folic acid (ug)                          | 58,8     | 15%  |
| Calcium (mg.)                            | 24,4     | 2%   |
| Iron (mg.)                               | 0,8      | 4%   |