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Oven roasted chestnuts

Oven roasted chestnuts

When autumn arrives, you can hear the roasted chestnut sellers "Who wants hot and good..." and you can feel that aroma of roasted chestnuts that whets our appetite.

At home they can be baked in the oven, in the fireplace, in the frying pan or even in the microwave.

  • To roast the chestnuts in the oven, we start by washing the chestnuts.
  • With a knife we ​​make two not very deep cuts in an X shape (to peel easily). We can make just one cut, it's up to each one.
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  • We can dip them in salted water for a few minutes (15 to 20 minutes), or place them directly on a tray without overlapping them and sprinkle with water. Sprinkle with coarse salt, even if they have been soaked in salted water.
  • Bake for + or - 40 minutes (depending on the oven and the size of the chestnut), stirring occasionally.
  • When they are roasted, we remove them from the oven and cover with a kitchen towel for about 10 minutes, whoever likes them can season them with fennel or rosemary as soon as they are removed from the oven.

Enjoy with a good red wine, aqua-pé or jeropiga.