1 - General Principles
The rules and principles relating to the protection and processing of personal data are an essential aspect of the way ChestnutSource.Eu operates and organizes it, which makes every effort to guarantee and ensure the security of such data, always in accordance with the rules and regulations. procedures defined in the applicable legislation, namely the Personal Data Protection Law. ChestnutSource.Eu adopts the best organizational practices and techniques to protect the personal data of customers and users against loss, involuntary or unlawful deletion, improper alteration, integrity failures, as well as unauthorized access or disclosure. This Privacy Policy aims to allow customers and users to understand how ChestnutSource.Eu collects, treats and, above all, protects the personal information transmitted by everyone who uses the services or accesses the company's website. The rules set out in this Privacy Policy complement the provisions regarding personal data established in the ChestnutSource.Eu Purchase and Sale Agreement, which you are advised to read carefully. It is noted that the provision of personal data on the website of ChestnutSource.Eu implies knowledge and acceptance of the conditions contained herein. In this sense, by making your personal data available, you are authorizing the collection, use and disclosure of the same in accordance with the defined rules.

For more information or clarifications about the Personal Data Privacy Policy, we provide the following contacts:

Carlos Lopes
Largo do Pelourinho, 2
3640-700 Guilheiro

Email address: info@chestnutsource.eu

2 - Privacy and Personal Data
Personal Data is considered to be any information, of any nature, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject), directly or indirectly, namely by reference to an identification number or to more specific elements of their physical, physiological, psychological, economic, cultural or social. Constitute Personal Data: information about customers and users that allows their identification (eg name, address, telephone number or email address);

3 - Collection of Personal Data
ChestnutSource.Eu collects data by telephone, in writing or through its website, with the consent of the customer. As a rule, personal data is collected when the Customer enters into a purchase and sale contract with the company. Some personal data must be provided and, in case of lack or insufficiency of the same, ChestnutSource.Eu will not be able to conclude the contract in question. In each specific case, Customers will be informed of the mandatory nature of the provision of personal data. The personal data collected are processed by computer and in strict compliance with the legislation for the protection of personal data, being stored in specific databases created for this purpose and, under no circumstances, will the data collected be used for any purpose other than that for which consent has been given by the data subject.

4 - Purpose of Collecting Personal Data
ChestnutSource.Eu uses personal data to identify, bill and collect the contract concluded with the customer, communicate changes to the contract conditions, send a newsletter, comply with legal obligations to which ChestnutSource.Eu is subject, and also , in case of customer authorization, for the marketing of services and/or products, advertising and direct marketing, including by means that allow the reception of messages regardless of the intervention of the recipients. In case of authorization, customer data may be used by ChestnutSource.Eu, in accordance with applicable legislation for the purpose of marketing products and services, including personalized commercial offers. The personal data of ChestnutSource.Eu customers will never, under any circumstances, be transferred to third parties for the purpose of marketing products and services for marketing purposes, as well as for the purposes of lists and provision of information services.

5 - Personal Data Retention Period
The period of time during which the data is stored and kept varies according to the purpose for which the information is processed. There are legal requirements that oblige you to keep data for a minimum period of time, such as billing. Thus, and whenever there is no specific legal requirement, the data will be stored and kept only for the minimum period necessary for the purposes that motivated their collection or subsequent processing or, for the period of time authorized by the National Data Protection Commission, after which they will be deleted. If the customer has made a customer account with ChestnutSource.Eu, his data will be kept and only used for the situations provided for in the Purpose of Collection of Personal Data. At any time, the customer may request the deletion of their data via email or by letter, to the address of ChestnutSource.Eu.

6 - Responsibility for the Collection and Processing of Personal Data
ChestnutSource.Eu is responsible for collecting and processing the personal data of customers and users in order to guarantee their protection, therefore conditioning access to certain services, such as the introduction of a password or access code allowing the reinforcement of the control and security mechanisms. The passwords and access codes, made available by ChestnutSource.Eu to customers and users, are personal and non-transferable, and it is up to customers and users to ensure their confidentiality and not allow their use by third parties. Data circulating on the Internet is not fully protected against possible violations, and customers and users are solely responsible for communicating and using passwords, access codes, confidential codes and all sensitive information. ChestnutSource.Eu recommends to its customers and users to adopt complementary security measures, including maintaining equipment (PCs, tablets or mobile phones) and programs properly updated and configured, using protection against malicious software (e.g. antivirus) and firewall and not browsing websites of dubious reputation or for which there are no guarantees of authenticity. You should also be careful to physically protect your equipment and avoid placing access credentials on computers with public access (eg internet cafes, hotels, etc…).

7 - Responsibility for Data Communicated to Third Parties
ChestnutSource.Eu, within the scope of its activity, may use third parties to provide certain services. Serviceability may imply access by these entities to personal data of ChestnutSource.Eu Customers. When this happens, ChestnutSource.Eu takes the appropriate precautions, in order to ensure that the entities that have access to the data, offer the highest guarantees at this level, which will be duly consecrated and guaranteed in a contract to be signed between ChestnutSource. Me and the third party(ies). Third parties subcontracted by ChestnutSource.Eu are obliged, by law, to put in place appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration of content, dissemination or unauthorized access and against any other form of illicit processing In any case, ChestnutSource.Eu remains responsible for the personal data made available to them. In addition to this case, ChestnutSource.Eu will only transmit the personal data of its customers and users to third parties when obliged to do so by legal provision and only to the exact extent of its obligations.

8 - Access, correction, deletion of personal data
In accordance with applicable legislation, the Customer or User, as the holder of personal data, is guaranteed the right to access, correct and delete their personal data or to resort to ChestnutSource.Eu via email or letter, for company address in order to proceed with the adjacent request.

9 - Authorization or opposition
ChestnutSource.Eu only processes the personal data of customers or users after their consent. The customer or user also has the right to oppose the use and request the deletion of personal data provided for marketing purposes, for sending informative communications or included in lists or information services. In any of the situations, the Customer or User may send the request addressed to the postal address in point 1, or to the email address info@chestnutsource.eu.

10 - Cookies
ChestnutSource.Eu receives and records on its servers some information from users' browsers when browsing the company's website. This information is collected based on the use of cookies.
10.1- About Cookies
Cookies are text files sent by websites that the user visits and which are stored on your computer. The information provided makes it possible to increase the efficiency of websites, making it easier for users to access the information they are looking for, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information. Cookies are not used to collect personal information, they only identify the computer used.
10.2 - What are Cookies for?
Cookies serve to help determine the usefulness, interest and number of uses of your websites, allowing for faster and more efficient navigation, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information.
10.3 - What type of Cookies do we use?
Session cookies: These are temporary cookies that remain in the browser's cookie file until the browser leaves the website, so there is no record on the user's hard drive. The information collected by these cookies is used to analyze website traffic patterns. Ultimately, this allows us to improve the content and improve the usability of the website. Analysis cookies: They allow the quantification of the number of users and the measurement and statistical analysis of how users use the service offered. We examine your navigation on our website, with the aim of improving the provision of products or services that we make available to you. Advertising cookies: They allow you to manage more effectively the offer of advertising spaces that exist on the website, being able to analyze your browsing habits and show you advertising related to your browsing profile.
10.4 - Control of Cookies
In all browsers it is allowed to have some control over cookies through the settings option. Through these you can accept, refuse or delete cookies. However, by rejecting the use of cookies, you can prevent some services from working properly, thus leaving the use of the website partially or totally affected.
10.5 - How can I manage cookies?
All browsers allow the user to accept, refuse or delete cookies, namely by selecting the appropriate settings in the respective browser. Cookies can be configured in the "options" or "preferences" menu of your browser. By rejecting the use of cookies, you can prevent some services from working properly, thus leaving the use of the website partially or totally affected.

11 - Security measures to protect personal data
The protection and safeguarding of the personal data of customers and users are a fundamental element in the way ChestnutSource.Eu. provides its services, and is therefore committed to ensuring the protection of the personal data made available to them. As such, various technical and organizational security measures were defined and implemented against dissemination, loss, misuse, alteration, treatment or unauthorized access, as well as any other form of illicit treatment. The mechanisms and procedures adopted by ChestnutSource.Eu, follow the best practices in terms of information security in the systems that support the services it provides and that store and process the personal data of customers and users, namely the use of firewalls and detection system. of intrusion, stocks of restricted access – physical and logical – the recording of operations (logging) and the respective monitoring and auditing and the collection and transmission of personal data through secure means. Whenever it is necessary to communicate personal data of customers and users to third parties, ChestnutSource.Eu will be responsible for the information that it has to transmit and guarantees that the sharing of data complies with the legal rules in force. The transmission to third parties is carried out securely, using, for example, encryption protocols, which are contractually obliged to observe the confidentiality and secrecy duties, guaranteeing the protection of the personal data to which they have access, not being able to use them for any other purpose. purposes. Notwithstanding the security measures adopted, ChestnutSource.Eu. alerts its customers and users for proper use with regard to internet browsing, namely in the adoption of additional security measures, such as the use of an updated PC and Browser in terms of properly configured security patches, active firewall , antivirus and anti-spyware and certification of the authenticity of the websites you access, avoiding those whose reputation you do not trust.

12 - Changes to the Privacy Policy
ChestnutSource.Eu reserves the right, at any time, to make adjustments or changes to this Privacy Policy, these changes being duly published on this website.